45 Degrees and Pressure (diary entry)

45° (= pi/4 rad) in Trigonometry

45° (= pi/4 rad) in Trigonometry (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



General Lesson


Our angulation training continued with more emphasis being placed on looking at the bigger picture. The lesson began with a simple footwork chasing drill, teaching fighters to cut off opponents and also to escape. We then moved into slipping and angling off for overhand rights, round kicks and single leg takedowns. Then we performed a type of specific sparring whereby one fighter was restricted to fighting in a straight-line – blitzing – and the other to attack at 45 degree angles. We then went to the ground and looked at passing the guard into a knee pin. This is also a type of angulation as you are attacking with the pass at 45 degrees.


Private Lesson 1


 We used the same themes as in the main lesson, but went more in depth on all areas. When it came to free-sparring I took the pressure down, allowing for a better transition through ranges.


Private Lesson 2


Today’s focus was on pressure testing. Began with some freestyle pad work and then moved onto grappling games. These warm-up exercises were designed to promote attribute training and to de-sensitize the clients to physical contact. We then moved into more specific pressure tests for self-protection. These were based on grappling versus striking strategies to work the anti-assault approach attitude. We began with holds already in place, including free-standing, against a wall and from ground positions.


We then went back to focus mitts drilling strikes from front, offline and hook angles. This was then brought into a response exercise, followed by code white tests. The lesson was finished with a tunnel vision exercise.

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