01.02.2023 Tonight’s junior private lesson continued work in the stand-up grappling range with the beginning of a deep dive and exploration of the ankle pick. The senior lesson also continued from the previous week with side-by-side cross training in Boxing’s Philly Shell and Muay Thai’s diamond guard & long guard concepts. In the former we got down into the detail of setting up the ankle pick, a very standard yet highly successful technique found a lot in Freestyle Wrestling. We […]
Video Training: Chaining MMA Techniques (diary entry)
30.03.20 My client began her third hour in Mixed Martial Arts training. This is her second live video link tutorial. We went back over details for the double-leg takedown, the sprawl and two break-falls. We also continued ground work positions and focused a lot on chaining and transitioning techniques. We warmed up through the usual callisthenics and dynamic stretching exercises. Then I began technical work with the simple high and low jab. The low jab involves changing levels […]
Muay Thai for Karate Cross Training Workshop (diary entry)
08.02.20 The Oxford School of Martial Arts kindly booked me for a two-hour clinic on Muay Thai tactics for Karate sparring. Quite simply, black belt gradings for these particular schools include a half hour fortitude test where conventional sport karate rules are abandoned in favour of a virtual no-holds-barred format (contact to the head is light and foul techniques are carefully monitored). I have previously taught a ground-fighting workshop with this in mind. This time we looked at the […]
“When Parents Aren’t Around” Children’s Self-Protection Workshop (diary entry)
17.03.19 The first of two workshops I taught today for Keiryu Practical Karate in Maldon, Essex: “When Parents aren’t Around” – Child Self-Protection. Lee Mullan joins a growing number of teachers in Europe and Britain who have embraced a genuine need to teach practical and self-protection skills to children. I had the privilege of working with both enthusiastic child students from Lee’s club and other visiting martial arts schools as well as wonderfully supportive parents and teachers. This makes the […]
A New Training Term Begins (diary entry)
03.10.18 Today I re-started my self-defence/Mixed Martial Arts programme at Kingham Hill School. My mandate, as usual, is to teach fundamentals of self-defence in line the CCMA approach to training and introduce the students to Mixed Martial Arts. All self-defence training I teach has to be underpinned by good personal security and soft skill information. Self-defence, as explained to those in attendance, is a legal term. Anyone who purports to teach classes under the heading “self-defence” should have a […]
Report on the Cross Training Seminar Worcester (diary)
23.09.18 The second seminar of the day hosted by Kajuen ryu Ju Jutsu focused on martial arts cross training. There was no way I was going to get through everything and sadly we didn’t get to do as much sparring/pressure-testing coaching as I would have liked, but this was easily offset by the enthusiastic students in attendance. Once again, they were a credit to Peter Jones and also the now maturing subculture of progressive traditional martial artists that take […]
Kajuen Ryu Hosts “When Parents Aren’t Around” Seminar (diary entry)
23.09.18 I was kindly invited to teach two mini-seminars for Kajuen ryu Ju Jutsu. My mandate was to teach a shortened version of my children’s self-protection programme and to teach martial arts cross-training in a short seminar to the adults. This diary entry details the former. My shortened version of “When Parents Aren’t Around” covered the following topics: Respect & Attitude. In essence, believing you are worth defending, respecting the material being taught and avoiding potentially violent […]
New Personal Training Video
Detailed Review of Private Lessons
My process for teaching clients is always evolving and being updated. Below is the latest detailed review of lessons I offer to clients. My aim is to offer a bespoke service tailored to the demands of my client. However, I appreciate that the world of martial arts and self-protection training can be confusing so I have done my best to narrow down some simple ideas to help me construct a programme of personal lessons. Please note I use the term […]
Submission Grappling and Ground-Fighting for Martial Arts Cross-Training
Please see below links to diary reports on CCMA’s 10 session submission grappling and ground-fighting course for martial arts cross-training. Session One Session Two Session Three Session Four Session Five Session Six Session Seven Session Eight Session Nine Session Ten
Weapon Awareness and Defence Courses
Please see below links to examples of awareness and response against a weapon courses: Edged Weapon Response Workshop Blunt Weapon Response Workshop
Teenage Self-Protection Course – “When Parents Aren’t Around”
Please see below links to two reports on an example of CCMA's bespoke two-part (10 hours in total) intensive self-protection course for teenagers. This version was delivered to a small group of teenage girls aged 13-15 years of age in the Southeast of England. When Parents Aren't Around (Teenage Edition) Part 1 When Parents Aren't Around (Teenage Edition) Part 2
Basic Stand-up Grappling for Martial Arts Cross Training
The below provides a link to an example of one client's complete 10 session course focusing on stand-up grappling/wrestling (or clinch) for martial arts cross training. All courses vary from person to person, but this provides a typical overview of the material likely to be covered in this particular area of attribute training. Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10
Basic Thai Boxing for Martial Arts Cross Training
Below are links to an example of CCMA’s complete basic Thai Boxing (or Muay Thai) for martial arts cross-training. The course covers fundamental concepts and then adapts them for individualistic self-defence. Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10
Basic Western Boxing for Martial Arts Cross Training
Below are links to an example of CCMA’s complete basic Boxing for martial arts cross-training. The course covers basic Western Boxing concepts and then adapts them for individualistic self-defence. Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10
Basic Self-Protection Course
Below are links to diary entries on a complete CCMA basic self-protection course. This course can be taught in a one day, two day or over a period of 10 lessons, as detailed below. As well as being a separate self-contained course for personal security and self-defence, the course forms the foundation level for the entire CCMA approach to martial arts. Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session […]