Tag Archives | teacher consultancy

Combining Ranges in Muay Thai (diary entry)


14.06.2023 Tuesday morning continued my teaching consultancy with Athena School of Karate and, as the title implies, we began the revision of the eight limbs of Muay Thai. This isn’t to say we didn’t cover new material. The lesson involved using a long range to close range combination to set up a horizontal elbow strike whilst angling off and also a Muay Femur style sweep setup. We began with teep work, bringing in feints, combining jabs and countering round kicks. Then […]

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Reverse-Coaching (diary entry)


01.06.2022 Hour 15 of my teacher consultancy course/CPD taught to Drum Kenpo Ju Jitsu explored further ideas to put young people in charge of crisis situations. I went back to my running a children’s class where I cultivated a self-critiquing and problem solving atmosphere. Building off the principle-centred training methodology of my previous lesson, we discussed how an entire class can be run in a democratic fashion by young students. The class begins with the more experienced students leading the […]

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Protecting the Frontline Course 4 (diary entry)

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23.02.2022 This morning we looked at pre-incident indicators for deceptive and aggressive enemies in a self-protection situation as well as the impact of fear. As I discussed in the lesson, Gavin De Becker’s PINS address deceptive predators and abusers. They work against individuals who use disarmed dialogue, charm and various techniques we see being used by salespeople. However, they don’t address aggressive precursors. The deceptive PINS teach us how violence and coercion is veiled by certain manipulative social behaviours. They […]

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Teacher Consultancy for Drum Kempo Ju Jitsu (diary entry)

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26.01.2022 Wednesday morning’s first session was a teacher consultancy lesson with Drum Kempo Ju Jitsu. This excellent martial arts school in Ireland has drastically altered its syllabus to be more pragmatic in its approach, focusing the early grades on self-protection. I was booked to discuss ways to help advise on the way forward in their continued development. We went through the various current influences in the martial arts world and what was the best approach for recreational students who needed […]

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Teacher Consultation: Combinations for Traditional Martial Arts (diary entry)


28.09.2021 Tuesday night’s lesson was also a teacher consultancy class. This time it was a break from our usual “Learn from the Fight” session and we worked face-to-face on combinations used in a karate in syllabus. My client has a series of combinations that exist in the grading syllabus she teaches that need reappraisal. They appear to be a mixture of sport, kata-based application specific conditioning exercises (i.e. balancing for kicks). We went through them and began to devise a […]

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Teacher Development Programme: Muay Thai Sparring (diary entry)

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22.09.21 Hour four of my client’s teacher development course for sparring moved into the kickboxing range. This was for Denmark’s Holstebro Taekwondo Klub via Zoom. We focused on layering in Muay Thai teeps, round kicks, shin-checks and scooping blocks over the western boxing previous covered. Feedback Consultation: My client reported that attack versus defence specific sparring worked well on the whole with his class. Most students felt more confident with this boxing sparring once they could proactively defend. However, there […]

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Sparring Teacher Constultancy – Jabs (diary entry)


10.09.21 Tuesday night I continued my teacher consultancy on sparring for Denmark’s Holstebro Taekwondo Klub via Zoom. We focused on a run through of boxing, focusing on the jab. Warm-up involving dynmatic stretches and basic techniques.  Jab for jab partner training – compliant drilling to specific one-for-one sparring Double jabbing partner training – compliant drilling to specific one-for-one sparring Body jabs partner training – compliant drilling to specific one-for-one sparring Footwork jabbing – compliant drilling to specific one-for-one sparring All […]

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Jack Johnson’s Bait & Catch (diary entry)

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31.03.21 Last Tuesday I continued my teacher consultancy course on historic fight analysis. Last week we began with the dawn of the gloved era and a pioneer of outside boxing, Jim Corbett. Prior to throwing the spotlight on this week’s star, Jack Johnson, we watched an excerpt from a bout that bridges the two eras: James J Jefferies versus Bob Fitzsimmons  world heavyweight championship. This was their first meeting in 1899. The less than three  minute or so footage appears […]

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Training Development Plans (diary entry)

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09.02.21 My first lesson of Tuesday night was a teacher discussion and consultancy on moving forward with Athena Karate’s stand-up striking programme. As is the norm, we also had tangent discussions about the context of different self-defence tactics home invasion vs general assault vs mid/low-level threats. Stand-up Fighting Programme We are currently making great progress in the adult/advanced junior class using a series of stand-up striking combinations designed to promote rhythm and flow. A few issues were raised regarding what […]

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