Tag Archives | private training

MMA & the Kimura Part 1 (diary entry)

MMA & the Kimura Part 1 (diary entry)

01.06.16 The tenth lesson of my client’s second course of Mixed Martial Arts for Martial Arts Cross Training. I went into the lesson with a view to reviewing MMA as a whole. My client was not adverse to this decision, but was primarily concerned about going over locks. Based on this discussion, we did both. We warmed up with some footwork and light target striking, moving into the clinch and close-range striking, followed by entries for hip throws and double […]

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Attacking in the Guard (diary entry)


  20.04.16 The fifth lesson in my client’s second course in MMA for Martial Arts Cross Training continued where we left off and concentrated on ground work. We warmed up with a series of ground-specific exercises, using combat base, bridging, triangle crunches and snaking/shrimping. Moving onto material we covered last lesson, we also did some guard-jumping and guard sit-ups. Training began in earnest by revising the arm-wrap/trap in guard into a scissor sweep. Then we went back over attacking the […]

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Reverse Round Kick vs Spinning Hook Kick (diary entry)

reverse round kick

          24.02.16   The eleventh lesson in my client’s second course on Muay Thai for Martial Arts Cross Training led us to the reverse round kick and the spinning hook kick. Contrary to popular belief these are not the same technique, despite looking remarkably similar. I pretty much thought the same thing until I read Hee Il Cho’s “The Complete Master’s Kick”. This is a book dealing with the sport of Tae Kwon Do, but it […]

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Spinning Crescent (diary entry)

thai high kick

17.02.16   The tenth lesson in my client’s second Muay Thai for Martial Arts Cross Training continued on the theme of so-called advanced techniques. In Muay Thai, these are technical and more flamboyant moves that are known as luk mai (minor techniques). These are supporting moves that rarely dominate a fight and are usually brought in to bring about a speedy finish. Please see last week’s report on why I am taking this unusual diversion.   Tonight’s lesson ended becoming […]

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Effective Flamboyance? (diary entry)

single objective path2

10.02.16   The ninth lesson of my client’s second course in Muay Thai for Martial Arts Cross Training made its most dramatic diversion to the norm by looking at more spectacular martial arts techniques. Usually this is the penultimate lesson of a course and it is where I return a combat sport back to the self-defence line, seeing where the attribute training can enhance the core counter-assault methods. Tonight was very different in that we looked at building on the […]

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45 Degree Round Kick (diary entry)


30.12.15 The third lesson of my client’s second course in Muay Thai and Kickboxing for martial arts cross-training continued the same side striking theme and also looked at efficient countering to kicks as well as the 45 degree round kick. We warmed up, as we have generally been doing on this particular course, with a one-for-one exchange of kicks. We progressed with checking, blocking and evasions, moving up the body as the hips became looser. After some back combinations, we […]

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Power Punching (diary entry)

impact (smaller)

  02.12.15 The ninth lesson of my client’s second course on western boxing for martial arts cross training focused on power punching. With technique and speed being addressed over the past few lessons, all underlined and interlaced with strategy and tactics, it was time to isolate the process of generating and developing raw power. This is a far larger subject than it might first appear and I will probably look at it again next lesson, where the focus will be […]

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Holding the Fence Line (diary entry)

thumb strike

26.08.15 The second in my client’s first series of lessons on basic self-protection moved more into the hard skills that will make up the bulk of this training. We began with a revision of the fence and preserving personal space. Before we stepped over into actual physical engagement we confirmed a complete understanding of determining the likelihood of a physical threat. This area exemplifies the importance of training attitude in conjunction with actual skills. Most people can make shapes, hit […]

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New Self-Defence Course Begins (diary)

fence 2

12.08.15 I conducted the first lesson of my new client’s course on self-protection. He has requested to follow the self-protection line first before moving into relevant areas of self-protection. Having a background where he used to be very active in sports, he wishes to pursue something new, but is keen that it has a functional basis first. We began with a general overview lecture of personal security. The relevant links for resources on this can be found on the following […]

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Weapon Evasion to Engagement (diary entry)


22.07.15 The sixth in the CCMA course on weapons for martial arts cross training was a revision of the past five lessons, moving into grappling with striking. We began using the single and double sticks, moving through postures and varying angle patterns as part of the warm-up. Then we moved onto evasive movements against the sticks and the knife I introduced a simple pivoting response to attack incoming slashes with the knife and then built on it with unarmed strikes […]

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