Tag Archives | long guard

Ankle Picks & Angle Covers (diary entry)

Pete & Jack Ankle PicksScreen Shot 2023-02-02 at 12.59.55

01.02.2023 Tonight’s junior private lesson continued work in the stand-up grappling range with the beginning of a deep dive and exploration of the ankle pick. The senior lesson also continued from the previous week with side-by-side cross training in Boxing’s Philly Shell and Muay Thai’s diamond guard & long guard concepts. In the former we got down into the detail of setting up the ankle pick, a very standard yet highly successful technique found a lot in Freestyle Wrestling. We […]

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Long Guard Variations (diary entry)


17.10.2022 The penultimate lesson of my client couple’s submission grappling/ground-fighting course continued our work in the open guard and, more specifically, long-range guards.   Tonight we looked at two set-ups using spider-guard like transitions. The spider-guard, like last week’s hook/De La Riva guard, is not best suited for no-gi grappling due to the reliance on hooks and grips. However, the range is very important and there are certain principles that can be used in a transitional nature.   The first […]

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Hook Guard (diary entry)

Cat & Ollie Hook GuardIMG_1818

26.09.2022 Hour seven of my couple’s current submission grappling/ground-fighting course looked at guard passing from the outside and introduced the hook guard (De La Riva guard). We warmed up with exercises specific to submission grappling including toe-to-the-line drills, combat base sit-ups, triangle crunches and half-guard side rolls before proceeding with some guard-passing drills. We looked at stepping around the guard to knee-on-belly (knee-pins) working these in as muscle memory drills. Then we did the same with back-scooting out of an […]

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Off the cage & spider-guard (diary entry)


01.12.2021 Wednesday night’s two lessons were junior MMA and senior submission grappling. In the former we looked at fighting off the cage. In the latter we looked at the use of the spider-guard in no-gi fighting. Junior MMA mainly centred on a simple flow drill that involved striking whilst pinning an opponent against the cage and reversing a pin from the cage. By using an under-hook and a wrist grip, we executed a shoulder bump to the face followed by […]

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Junior Grappling/Senior Muay Thai (diary entry)

pawing long guard thai

27.10.21 Tonight my junior client began looking at the clinch into ground submission work. My senior class continued looking at set-ups for overhand rights and rear round kicks. Areas he needs to work on with my junior client include wrestling attack and defence as well leg-locks. Due to his age, I am always concerned about any form of joint manipulation work. He is to execute full submissions on adult coaches and training partners but only to receive strong positional techniques […]

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Combat Base Guard Pass (diary entry)

combat base diary

31.08.20 Monday night brought my client up to the fourth hour of their current Submission Grappling course. Tonight we looked at guard-passing and focused on the combat base posture. I find this posture is be very effective and efficient, and a great way to look at taking a guard apart. Having found ourselves in a standing pass position with the final technique I went back to the perspective of person holding guard and introduced the long-guard concept in submission grappling. […]

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Long Guards and Extending the Knee (diary entry)

cover checking

18.02.20 Tuesday night’s teacher training covered footwork, chaining kicks at close range and principles behind both the long-guard and the spear knee strike. We began tonight’s training with a review of the new footwork pattern we are using for punches, kicks and clinching. This simple exercise works forward, backward, lateral, v-stepping and switch-hitting stances. Attack and defence can be layered onto it and the movements should complement each other. The specific pattern is not important other than as a means […]

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Takedown Defence & Dissecting Set-ups (diary entry)

pawing long guard thai

04.09.19   Wednesday’s junior lesson focused on takedown defence. The senior lesson looked at details for using the hands to set up round kicks, spear knees and round knee strikes.   The junior lesson began with dynamic stretching and wresting callisthenics. Then we did some footwork for wrestling, looking at dropping levels and movement from a low stance. Next we did some bulling from the collar and elbow tie, moving into outer reap takedowns and two on-on-ones. Then we moved […]

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Attack Lines (diary entry)

single leg 2

21.08.19   Tonight’s junior lesson introduced another attack from the two-on-one for stand-up grappling as well as foot sweeps and the senior lesson went over some core material to be covered in Sunday’s Vagabond Warriors Muay Thai for Martial Arts Cross Training.   The junior lesson began with agility ladder warm-ups, this time including double leg takedown drills. We followed this with bulling/collar and elbow tie, where we continued our work from the two-on-one. It was important to ensure this […]

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Fight Like an Executioner (diary entry)

anne boleyn

11.07.19   My junior client continued with his basic course on clinch/stand-up grappling. We continued working on attacking from the collar and elbow tie before moving onto over-hooks/under-hooks and changing levels. My senior client focused on comparisons between Western Boxing and Muay Thai set-ups.   The junior lesson began with callisthenic warm-up – Indian press-ups and squats. Then we moved onto bulling from the collar and elbow tie. Here we looked at establishing strong grips, tight transitioning (like a snake) […]

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High Guard Base (diary entry)

cover checking

06.07.19   I began Saturday with my first client reaching the five and a half hour mark of his course on Stand-up Striking. Last week we worked a lot on Western Boxing with a particular emphasis on the high guard and a transition to what might be considered its polar opposite, the Philly Shell. This lesson we focused on Muay Thai but also brought a mix of guards – peek-a-boo, long guard, helmet guard and Thai peek-a-boo. The high guard […]

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