Tag Archives | knee pin

Submissions from Knee-Pin (diary entry)


09.06.2023 The penultimate hour of my teacher client from UKASKO Cotswolds’ first course on Submission Grappling/Ground Fighting. This morning we focused on attacking from the knee-pin (knee-on-belly). Our warm-up, as per usual, consisted of various crawls and ground fighting muscle activation exercises followed by the pin-flow patterns without and then with some resistance. We then went straight to the knee-pin and began with attacking the arm. Whenever an Americana armlock is available, it’s always good to go for it and […]

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Final Basic Escapes (diary entry)

Striking from the mounted position1

13.06.2022 Monday’s lesson lesson on ground-work submission grappling brought my clients’ up their sixth hour. After revising the top position flow drill, we picked up on knee-pin, reverse scarf-hold and mount. The lesson finished with 4 x 2 minute specific sparring from chosen pin positions.   Services  

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Junior MMA Clinch & Senior MMA Striking Combinations (diary enry)

Striking from the knee pin1

15.09.21 My evening sessions covered my junior client’s MMA training and senior client’s MMA training. In the junior class, after the warm-up, we began with some grip and clinch sparring adding on Muay Thai knees. We then went through using strikes to set up the arm-triangle clinch into takedown and submission. I finished the junior MMA with a tabata of jab/cross/sprawl/spear knee strike. The senior lesson began with a series of lowline takedown set-ups. We covered jab/inside leg feint/overhand punch/single […]

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More Submissions & Escapes (diary entry)


15.11. 19   My Friday night junior class brought my clients up to the sixth hour of their course on Submission Grappling/Ground-Fighting. We covered escaping from side control, scarf-hold and the north south positions as well as submissions from knee pin, reverse scarf-hold and mount.   We warmed up with various crawls and sport-specific callisthenics before moving onto pinning transitions. Then we picked up on individual pinning positions and simple submissions. This began with the knee-pin where we set up […]

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Putting the Pinning Drill Together (diary entry)


10.10.19   The second of my two junior clients’ first course on Basic Submission Grappling finished off their pin transitioning and introduced them to their first submissions.   Training began with various top position callisthenics for submission grappling such as the various crawls and also some snaking/shrimping. We then moved onto the pin transition drill. We revised side control, adjusted scarf-hold, north-south position, scarf-hold again and then the knee-pin. Here I corrected hip positioning and maintaining good weight distribution. Different […]

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The Kimura Grip & Completing the Pins (diary entry)

kimura 2

20.08.19   My client reached the fourth hour of his Basic Course on Submission Grappling for Martial Arts Cross Training. Tonight we finished the basic pin series, looking at knee-pin (knee-on-stomach), reverse scarf-hold and full mounted position. No new specific submission techniques were introduced. We looked at the versatility of the Kimura key-lock and also used the arm-bar, the arm-triangle and the Americana key-lock.   We warmed up with a straight series of crawling calisthenics – no agility equipment this […]

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Knee Pin & Spinning Kicks (diary entry)


04.05.19   Saturday morning’s first lesson brought my client up to the six hour point of his specially tailored course dedicated to stand-up striking and submission grappling. This we began with the lesson with submission grappling, looking at defences from the knee-pin whilst the second half was concerned with spinning kicks.   We began with a series of ground callisthenics, focusing a lot on movements from underneath. Then we drilled defensive movement from under a pin transition drill. This was […]

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Spin Kicks & Escaping the Knee Pin (diary etnry)

Striking from the knee pin1

01.05.2019 Wednesday evening saw the nephew and uncle team respectively cover Muay Thai back-kicks, spinning kicks and sparring, and Submission Grappling escapes from the knee-pin into x-guard. It was an exceptionally productive and fruitful two lessons.   The junior lesson began with some work on eliminating delays between punch and kick combinations. Muay Thai’s rhythmic delivery method is particularly effective in this respect. From here we went through the basic combinations and counters covered over the past series of lessons. […]

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Stand-up & Ground Fighting (diary entry)

Jamie Clubb of Clubb Chimera Martial Arts in the Bodyguard drill! (small)

27.03.19   Tonight the nephew and uncle team continued work in Muay Thai and MMA top position ground-fighting. The former addressed improving combination work, introduced the spinning elbow and back kick, whereas the latter worked on developing positions and striking set-ups for submissions.   The junior lesson began with a walk through of punch-kick combinations and clinch-work. Then we moved onto kick-catching and counters. This led us onto the spinning elbow set-up. We used this off a jab, off a […]

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