Tag Archives | horizontal elbow

Elbows in the Clinch (diary entry)

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24.08.2023 Thursday night’s private lesson brought my couple client to hour six of their Muay Thai course. Tonight we focused on using elbow strikes in the clinch. After a dynamic stretch/pose sequence warm-up we began our clinch-work. We drilled positioning for the centre of the plum position and then collar and elbow controls. Next I introduced a curve knee drill with posture breaking. We then then looked at the spear elbow. A great way to introduce this technique into training, […]

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Range and Elbow Strikes (diary entry)

Elbow sparring (2)

14.08.2023 Hour five of my couple client’s Muay Thai course was a focus on better developing the sport’s unique range. After a dynamic warm-up using our specific sequence of poses, we drilled for 8 x 2 minute rounds. These rounds were all one-for-one and two-for-two sparring, focused first on kicks and then all techniques. They were kept very light to help build up confidence at the Muay Thai range. The second half of the lesson then became totally concerned with […]

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Horizontal & Chopping Elbow Combinations

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01.06.2023 My client’s 1.5 hour Muay Thai class continued work on elbow strikes. After a flow dynamic stretch sequence we sparring without safety equipment for 2 x 3 minute rounds as part of the warm-up. We restricted the lesson to just two techniques, the horizontal and the chopping elbow, both of which would be part of combination tactics. Horizontal Elbow: Jab/cross/rear round kick/rear spear knee/angle off/slap-down parry/horizontal elbow Jab/cross/jab/cross to the body/angle off/slap-down parry/horizontal elbow Chopping Elbow: Jab/cross/uppercut to the […]

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The Elbow Strikes Back! (diary entry)

elbow strike

02.09.19 Monday saw my client reach the eighth hour of a 10 hour course on Muay Thai for Martial Arts Cross Training. Tonight we focused on elbow strikes. The lesson began with some mirror foot-work. We worked within a more enclosed area to keep the fight at close range. Elbows are best suited to this range for obvious reasons, although Muay Thai also uses them in flying attacks. Before introducing these techniques, we trained teeps, shin checks, teep scoops, kick-catches, […]

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