Tag Archives | flurry and smash

Flurry & Smash Prep (diary entry)


29.11.2022 Today I worked with Athena School of Karate in preparation for the seminar I am teaching with Iain Abernethy on 17th December. All combinations were trained in shadow and application. My session will be divided up into a section dominated by boxing combinations and kickboxing combinations. The overall theme will be on asymmetrical cadence. We are developing combinations, tactics and strategies to shift between speed and power techniques. Services

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Rolling Hip & Setting up the Hook (diary entry)

Switch kick chamber

07.10.2022 My new Friday evening client continued onto hour two of his MMA course with a look at Western Boxing and Muay Thai correlations. We warmed up on the agility ladders and spent a large amount of time looking at how to use to better develop the rear leg round kick. Moving onto the focus mitts I showed him different cadences for striking. We used the classic double-jab/cross/hook combination to look at loading strikes as well as changing tempos. The […]

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