Tag Archives | education

Offline Strikes & Pressure Testing at Kingham Hill School (diary entry)

pressure test

09.10.19   Kingham Hill School’s Self-Protection course was Wednesday’s first lesson. We shifted our focus onto direct application of force. We also covered offline strikes and an introduction to pressure testing.   Training began with a warm up of purposeful walking, taking in surroundings and identifying hazards and exits. As a circuit of the training hall was completed the class were told to immediately move to exit points. Attention was paid to posture and observation. Heart rates were raised with […]

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Progressive Basics in Self-Protection at Kingham Hill School (diary entry)

Talking Hands (small)

02.10.19 My third self-defence lesson at Kingham Hill School this term further built on the basic areas covered last week. This included tightening up and layering tactical escape principles as well as progressive pre-emptive strike tactics. The importance of developing day-to-day survival behaviours and aspects of the aftermath were also addressed.   We warmed up with everyone walking with purpose taking in their environment. This included locating exit points and potential hazards. The class also paid attention to gait and […]

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Layering Escape & Pre-Emption (diary entry)

Hand strike variable - palm

25.09.19 Wednesday’s first lesson was at Kingham Hill School, where I continued teaching my Self-Defence tactical escape methods and introduced the concept of the fence. The lesson began with movement exercises, integrating runs to exit points, sprawling, punching whilst moving, changing levels and covering. We then added on agility exercises to increase explosive movement. This was a combination of chopping steps forwards and backwards through the ladders and forwards and backwards serpentine running around the cones. We then moved onto […]

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New Self Protection Course at Kingham Hill (diary entry)

Inside the fence

18.09.19 Clubb Chimera Martial Arts self-protection course returned to Kingham Hill School for a fifth term. Again, I saw some familiar faces from the previous academic years that were able to reinforce the material I brought into play. My methods never stand still and therefore the programmes evolve in line with what I see is most relevant and efficient. Since I became a senior instructor in the Knife and Edged Weapon Programme in 2011 and now with my involvement in […]

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Anti-Grappling & Grappling at Kingham Hill School (diary entry)

elbow strike 2

05.06.19 After the summer half-term break I returned to Kingham Hill School to resume their self-defence course. Previous lessons had dealt with the fence, pre-emptive striking, referencing targets, incidental combinations, clearing obstructions, striking from restricted positions, striking in transition and covering/regaining the initiative. Today we began work on grappling and anti-grappling.   The underlying strategy and behaviour being taught throughout this course is to strike when you can and to keep going until the target is subdued or an exit […]

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Kingham Hill – Taking Control and Dealing with Crowds (diary entry)

adults and children training in the mix

27.02.19   Today’s first lesson was my class at Kingham Hill School. We focused entirely on self-defence today, but also discussed the underlying importance of taking control.   Training began with some role-play. Here we worked on keeping up boundaries and working against the deceptive predator. Students used verbal commands and maintained their fence-line against various forms of non-physical engagement. One student played the role of the predator, using deceptive feedlines to breach the fence-line. At this point we looked […]

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Spring Term Training Begins (diary entry)

Angry fence to make space (a)

16.01.2019   Today began the first day of a new term at Kingham Hill School. My session has been oversubscribed, meaning that the class was the largest group so far since I started teaching at Kingham Hill back in the spring last year.  I am teaching self-defence again along with elements of combat sports. It was good to see the return of familiar faces from the two previous terms. Their presence meant I had some assistance with the greater numbers. […]

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Ron Goin’s Dracula Cover (diary entry)

cover checking

05.12.18   Today’s first lesson was the final part of this term’s course for Kingham Hill School. The course has mainly focused on self-defence, as per my mandate. However, once these basic skills were confirmed along with some underpinning information personal security, the group moved onto some attribute training in the form Muay Thai.   In this lesson we looked at some basic defence and counters to common attacks within the sport of Muay Thai. We built up several punch/kick […]

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Muay Thai Begins at Kingham Hill (diary entry)

muay thai small

21.11.2018   My first lesson of the day was with Kingham Hill School. We got straight into attribute training for their self-protection course. The previous weeks have focused on personal security and self-defence. This week we begin looking at other arts that have functional benefits for self-defence hard skills. This took the form of Muay Thai.   The warm-up began with line work. Here we looked at a basic stance, explaining how this can be developed from a simple talking […]

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Self-Protection Education (diary entry)


31.10.18 Today’s class at Kingham Hill School continued my self-protection programme. We revised the fence, brought in incidental combinations, went through the cover response, did some anti-grappling and addressed some self-defence myths. Everyone warmed up on the focus mitts. We began with basic backwards forwards striking on the move. This is done at low intensity and designed to promote awareness of changing ranges as well as keeping things on the move. We then moved straight onto using the fence and […]

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Improving Impact & Friendly Resistance


10.10.18   Today’s first lesson was the second class of my second term at Kingham Hill School. We continued our work on the fence, did some transitioning training and restrictive training. The lesson was all about owning the straight rear hand strike.   We began with some simple escape exercises and reaction tests. The class students switched directions whilst running, covered and shadow boxed. They then ran in different directions and worked to escape one another. Then they did some […]

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Ground-Defence at Kingham Hill (diary entry)

Defence from guard to standing7

06.06.18 We entered the final stage of self-defence training in this particular course. I could expand matters into more multiple aggressor-based training, protecting others, takedowns and even weapon defence, but my mandate is to move matters in MMA training soon. Therefore, we finished with a look at symmetrical ground-fighting.   The warm-up consisted of a series of ground-orientated exercises – bear crawls, crab crawls, seal crawls and snaking/shrimping.   We began with fighting from the back using the guard position. […]

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Kingham Combat Grapplers


23.05.18   Training at Kingham Hill School moved onto combat grappling. We began with an energetic series of movement exercises, designed to reinforce various behaviours learnt over the previous lessons and to increase reaction timing. This started with simple changing directions, then altering heights of stances, varying footwork, striking whilst moving, covering, sprawling, switching ranges and finished with transitioning through postures to regain footing.   We began our technical training with the side headlock. This is a primal grappling move […]

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Kingham Kickers (diary entry)

Low striking whilist grappling

09.05.18   Today’s lesson at Kingham Hill School was supposed to address anti-grappling, but I decided to focus on a few striking fundamentals before moving onto this section of the training. We looked at developing power in the straight hand strike, revising pre-emption and recovery before moving onto kicks.   The class warmed up going through the basic postures and transitions off the ground, increasing intensity with each repetition. They then moved onto coaching one another on the focus mitts. […]

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Second Self-Protection Lesson at Kingham Hill School (diary entry)


25.04.2018   Today’s afternoon lesson was the second in Kingham Hill’s Basic Self-Protection/MMA course. We began with some simple fence targeting and target familiarisation. These exercises are designed to train a robust and legal way to set up a pre-emptive strike. I do this as a touch-contact drill to reinforce the behaviour to hit realistic targets. This is then overlapped with hitting the focus mitts.     We discussed intent and the anaerobic nature of striking for self-defence. This was […]

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Taster Lesson at Kingham Hill School (diary entry)


28.02.2018   Today’s first lesson was a taster session for Kingham Hill School. The event was well-attended by students aged 16-17 years. My mandate is to deliver a course of self-protection/Mixed Martial Arts. I usually like to teach a strict 10 hour course of self-defence first before moving onto martial arts disciplines, but I appreciate the structure and audience is quite different in this respect and these lessons are more akin to a club format. Therefore, I have decided to […]

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