Reverse Scarf-Hold to Full Mount (diary entry)

Jack H Scarf HoldmountDSC_0446DSC_044407.12.2023

The sixth hour of my client’s course on Submission Grappling/Ground-Fighting brought us onto the reverse scarf-hold and full mount pins. This first course is concerned primarily in teaching the main pinning positions, their escapes and transitioning between them from the top. Pulling guard as an escaping option and taking back-mount followed by the rear naked choke have also been covered for obvious reasons. Tonight we trained the last two new pins taught in the pin transitioning pattern.

The lesson began with the usual dynamic stretching and sport specific callisthenics (bear crawls, side crawls, lizard crawls, gorilla crawls, frog jumps, crab crawls, snaking/shrimping, upa bridging and side-winders). Then we reviewed the pattern up to the point of the new pin. With this sequence confirmed, I taught transitioning from side-control to reverse scarf-hold. From here trained the escape to back-mount. Then we transitioned from reverse scarf-hold to the full mount position.

The lesson finished with 2 x 2 minute rounds of specific sparring – taking turns at top position.
