More Clinch and Defence Training (diary entry)

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My 1.5 hour client is focusing on improving his general clinch-work and his defence. Tonight’s specific sparring/ecological dynamics focused entirely on these areas. After our usual dynamic stretching and style specific warm-up, we did the following rounds:

10 minutes flow sparring

12 – 3 minutes specific sparring

  1. Arms only clinch
  2. Arms and body lock only clinch
  3. Arms, bodylock and collar tie clinch
  4. Clinch with sweeps
  5. Clinch with sweeps and elbow strikes
  6. Clinch with sweeps and knee strikes
  7. Clinch with sweeps, elbow and knee strikes
  8. Lead hand/foot only versus rear hand/foot only
  9. Ditto
  10. Attack versus counter
  11. Ditto
  12. Free sparring
