MMA at Kingham Hill Begins (diary entry)




Thursday evening began with Kingham Hill’s first Mixed Martial Arts lesson. I introduced the class of mixed ages and abilities to the three ranges of fighting. We did some shadow work and then some pad-work.


After a warm-up we began with the stand-up stance and guard. From here we went through a simple footwork pattern – two steps forward, two back, two to the left and two to the right. This was then performed in a lower clinch stance. We then did the same pattern whilst bear-crawling. Finally, we did this whilst snaking/shrimping.


Moving back to stand-up we covered the jab and performed it through the footwork pattern. Then I introduced a rear front kick or teep and combined it with the jab. We then switched to the clinch stance and drilled sprawling to knee strikes.


The final part of the lesson put the students onto the focus mitts where they drilled both these combinations.


Picture by Phil Shirley from my old Coventry class in the 2000s.

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