Flash Pad Instinctive Striking

This demonstrates the concept of flash-pad focus mitt work. As you can see there are a wide variety of ages and abilities. This particular drill looks at attack only. The next is defence only. The third puts the two together.

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Agility exercises and combination work (diary entry)

ST. LOUIS - JULY 31:  Jason Smith #77 of the S...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife Contrary to the usual CCMA approach, today’s session session did not have much of a theme outside of introducing the class to some new MMA concepts. After a student-led warm-up incorporating blitzing, side-steps footwork, bear crawls, sprawls, snakes, crab-crawls, break-falls, rolls and the sprint catch game the class did some agility training. Using the cones we did the following routines for three sets each:   Pogo jumps Running in and out 45 degree step-outs […]

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Junior Self-Protection Attendance/Competence End of Course Examination (diary entry)

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04.11.11 The basic junior course in self-protection came to an end today. After six weeks of intensive sessions the under 16s of Telford’s Kyushinka Martial Arts undertook their confirmation session/test. The course was designed to teach relavant personal security and high percentage combatives to youngsters and today’s session was designed to observe how much information had been retained. Having a highly individualistic approach to teaching Clubb Chimera Martial Arts is not concerned with perfect form or technique, rather evidence that […]

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Response Drills and Fear (diary entry)


Image via Wikipedia Tonight we looked at sensitivity, initiation and responsiveness at stand-up and clinch range. We began with some pummeling than some light clinch sparring, bringing knees. Attention was then taken to hand striking. This involved a drill to encourage punching at close quarters. In principle the drill is not that dissimilar to wing chun’s chi sau.   We then began drilling reversals from the wall and also a self-defence application involving an eye gouge/headbutt combination. Taking the reversal […]

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Knife as a vehicle (diary entry)

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24.10.11. So, the grading is over and it is half-term. Time to look at what needs to be improved and where to new to begin. I put it around the group to pick some subjects. Both self-defence and MMA were requested. A senior student wanted more practice on knife defence and other students wanted to look at takedowns and submissions. So, I came up with a happy combination of all of these. When it comes to teaching defence against weapons […]

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Adult and Child Self-Protection Workshops in Birmingham

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In association with Shinkenmi Ni Tesseyo Karate, Jamie Clubb will be holding a double workshop on self-protection in Heddington Grove, Birmingham. These workshops will cover the basics of sof skills (non-physical skills/personal security) and hard skills (physical skills/self-defence). Topics will include pre-incident indicators (natural warning signs), awareness (social and tactical), primitive stress response (understaning "fear"), pre-emptive striking, the law and post-fight considerations.   The workshop combines a no-nonsense approach, presenting the most up-to-date information available on the subject, with a […]

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Vagabond Warriors October 2011 Report (diary entry)

An automobile tyre.

Image via Wikipedia Vagabond Warriors was another enjoyable session – full of hard work and a good energy. We began with an introduction to CCMA and Vagabond Warriors concepts, discussing the CSI (Clarification, Scepticism and Individuality) approach to training. Then we looked at both partner and solo warm-up exercises. For partner work we began with fence sensitivity drills – developing tacticle responses and target familiarization. This moved onto body barges to get the feel of hitting another human without the […]

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Grading for October 2011 (diary entry)

adults and children training in the mix (small).jpg

Tonight saw a couple of firsts in CCMA's grading history. For the first time the grading was held straight after a regular class. This was due to October being a very busy month and our usual monthly hall booking being taken up the "Vagabond Warriors" seminar, a service that is growing all the time. The arrange ment worked out okay, as students had a whole hour to go over areas they weren't confident on. The next of these firsts was […]

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Preparing for the Grading (diary entry)

Caestus on the Boxer of Quirinal.

Image via Wikipedia 10.10.11: This is the penultimate lesson before the grading. Next week’s lesson will be immediately followed by a grading, so in a way this is the last real lesson. It’s an opportunity to have a final check on who is eligible to grade and where small areas can be corrected. We began with some new specific warm-up exercises mixed in with the usual movements, several taken from western boxing, and then they were free to do their […]

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Proactive Pad-Work – Defence Only

This video shows the isolation of the defensive training side of proactive pad-work. The coach seeks openings and continuously attacks. The student uses footwork, blocking, parrying and evading tactics, learning how to use his defence to hinder his adversary’s attacks.

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Proactive Pad-Work – “You will get hit!”

Training mandate – Strike targets whenever see them and until they go down or are covered. Protect at all times. Mirror coaches footwork. Coach to strike every time they see an opening, especially when the pad is being struck. Tactical benefits – Both student and coach learn from each other in a way that is close to sparring. Attributes – Develops faster reactions for attack and defence. Building confidence and cuts down on hesitation through nervous decision-making. The student hits […]

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Two on one – focus mitt training

Training mandate – Strike targets as they appear. When you receive strikes you switch your attention to the striker. Training must consistent i.e. one pad-man must be holding for strikes whilst the other must be attacking. Tactical benefits – Trains the dynamic of facing multiple aggressors Attributes – Develops the acceptance that you will take punishment when fighting and keep a strong defence at all times Variations – Postures can be changed, making it more transitional and multi-ranged.

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Revision of all Types (diary entry)

Jeff knee bars Ray

Image by emilong via Flickr 04.10.11. Due to illness I was very grateful that Aaron O’Leary was able to cover my class last week. Aaron has a good background in boxing, Brazilian jiu jitsu and has attended various combatives seminars with me. The feedback I received from all my students was very positive and I looked forward to seeing what they had recalled from his special lesson on groundwork.   However, tonight it was important to review self-defence in order […]

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Describing the Importance of Feedback on Proactive Pad-Work

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This video comes after two rounds of specific work on the focus mitts. The first round was a simple flash-pad workout. The student just hit whatever target the coach threw at him/her, responding to the targets with the appropriate instinctive technique. The second round was defensive only. The student covered, parried, blocked and evaded strikes thrown by the coach, using footwork to smother and corner the coach. Now I am explaining that the third round will be a combination of […]

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