Quarrying efficient striking techniques from difficult ranges under pressure. The is the combat sport variation of S1 vs S2.
Andy Rheeston’s Review of CCMA Double Workshop in Self Protection
Double Self Protection Workshop with Jamie Clubb Thanks to all that attended the self protection workshops taken by Jamie Clubb in association with Shinkenmi Ni Tesseyo Karate on Saturday 4th February 2012. The first session was tailored for juniors up to the age of 12 and the second session was tailored for students aged 13 and above, below is a brief write up of these session which I hope you find interesting. Juniors Session The students warmed up with a […]
Stand-up to Guard (diary entry)
14.02.2012: Today’s session focused on stand-up transitioning to ground ‘n pound. The three phases of mixed martial arts are stand-up (boxing, kickboxing), clinch (e.g. wrestling) and ground (e.g. Brazilian jiu jitsu). Clinch typically deals with the takedowns, but in this instance we transitioned straight to the ground. The tactic here is different to most takedown situations. Here we are dealing with an individual who chooses to "pull guard". This comes from Brazilian jiu jitsu. Unlike most other grappling competitions BJJ […]
Junior KEWAP (Knife and Edged Weapon Awareness Programme) Workshop

Senior KEWAP Instructor and founder of Clubb Chimera Martial Arts/Vagabond Warriors, Jamie Clubb, delivers a junior workshop in knife and edged weapon awareness. The workshop will include a full PowerPoint presentation and practical section. This is the UK's leading and most comprehensive programme of its kind. Check the website for more details: http://www.kewap.org.uk/ It is now widely accepted that educating under eighteens to the dangers and implications of carrying knives and edged weapons is a must in order to reduce […]
Overlapping Self-Defence and MMA (diary entry)

06.02.12 Today’s approach to training began with some more revision of the fence and offline strikes. We began with natural postures and I isolated the pre-emptive stike. We began by firing it from the fence and then from less prepared positions, such as hands in pockets or with hands together in a “prayer stance”. This was to encourage fast twitch muscle responses from virtually nothing. It’s a concept I learnt from John “Awesome” Anderson, who used to spend our refining […]
Self-Protection Double Workshop in Birmingham (diary entry)

Birmingham’s Shinkenmi Ni Tesseyo Karate very kindly invited me to teach a children’s and an adult’s self-protection workshop. Both sessions were small and therefore I took a more informal touch. Rather than using a PowerPoint presentation, we covered all the soft skills material in a sit-down discussion format. Both sessions covered pre, in and post-fight criteria. All attendees did well and gave their all into the training/learning process. However, I was surprised that some think that personal security should form […]
All Day Taster Sessions at Woodlands 2012 (diary entry)
02.02.2012 Woodlands School and Sports Academy invited me back to teach five sessions to their pupils. This was intended to promote my weekly classes at Eastern Green School. Students were aged 11-13 and were, on the whole, pretty enthusiastic and well behaved. It helps to have a teacher read the riot act out at the beginning and then to go in with vigour. Each session differed slightly, but these were key points I made: The session would focus mainly […]
Vagabond Warriors 2.0 – A New Approach to Seminars; A New Approach to Training
On 1st February Vagabond Warriors begins its online pre-seminar coaching. This is in the lead up to Vagabond Warriors 2.0 on 25th February. You are about to experience a whole new seminar experience whereby your training will be as individualized as possible on the day and when you finish you will be provided with continued support. However, in order for you to make use of the whole service you need to register as soon as possible. Register your place now […]
Return to the fence (diary entry)

Two people not affecting each other's personal space. See also http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:PerSpa2.png (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Reaction of two people whose personal space are in conflict. See also http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:PerSpa1.png (Photo credit: Wikipedia) After a warm-up of follow-the-leader specific training exercises, we did a warm-up game two of the children suggested last week. This was a reaction game whereby anyone who failed to catch a ball thrown at them had to forfeit an exercise. Following […]
Responding to the Critics

Image via Wikipedia “You absolute whore!” were experienced martial arts champion, self-defence expert and fitness instructor Floyd Brown’s not-so-sympathetic words when I showed him the marketing campaign being used to sell my new DVD/download self-defence programme – “Rapid Street Defence”. And there I was at the beginning of 2012 with a stack of terrifying bills looming over me on one side and the prospect of a reputable career in imminent danger on the other. 2012 is the year I get […]
Flowing from takedown defence to submission plus kicks (diary entry)
Image via Wikipedia 23.01.12 So I listened and today’s lesson was concerned with takedown defence, a submission and some kicking. We began with a swift warm-up, training specific movements and then reversing them i.e. snaking forwards and backwards in one go. Then we went straight into grappling partner drills. For me, it is more important to get students into the feel of tactics than to just train one specific technique. So, looking at takedown defence we used the stopping drills. […]
Takedown defence to submission & throwing it out there (diary entry)

Image via Wikipedia I learn from my students all the time. This is no false modesty. It is very easy to think you know best for your class or family, but it can be difficult to actually listen empathetically to what is wanted. Today, I asked some questions and I got some answers. However, first I got them into a bit of burnout using the stand-up range as a model. We began with punching and jogging on the spot. This […]
Is your self-defence any good?

Image by Pioneer Library System via Flickr Preface Before I begin this article let me get a few things straight about its content. I will be discussing the training methods behind the hard skills required for what I see as efficient self defence. I will be setting down three very general performance criteria, which I think are fairly easy for a club to comply with if they are professing to teach effective skills for self defence, civilian combatives or anything […]
Muscle Memory and Conditioned Responses (diary entry)

Image via Wikipedia 10.01.12 Today’s lesson was focused on developing muscle memory at all ranges. We began with a footwork warm-up exercise. Both students mirrored each other's footwork and prompted each other to sprawl. We then moved further up onto some Greco-Roman bulling and grip-fighting. We then practiced overhook/underhook pummelling and did some clinch training, working the v-step on its own, with sweeps and then with knee strikes. Next we drilled arm-drag entries as a flow drill with blocks and […]
Back in Action (diary entry)
05.01.12 Our first session back after the Christmas break and time to check the rust! Today’s session was fairly comprehensive, beginning with self-defence and then moving onto MMA with a sufficient overlap at the transitional stage. We began with a quick regular warm-up of specific cardiovascular exercises. Then we moved straight onto some partner work. It began with a revision of basic fence principles as a warm-up/memory retention exercise. One student kept moving into the other’s space whilst the […]
Vagabond Warriors 2.0
This is it! The Vagabond Warriors intelligent training approach shifts to its next natural stage. Now we offer one of the most comprehensive services on the seminar circuit. No longer will th seminar be the beginning and end of your training experience. Vagabond Warriors is a service-driven approach to individualistic cross-training in functional martial arts. From your confirmation of attendance you will be given information on the programme and be actively engaged with the training experience. It is therefore […]