Attack the Shoulder (diary entry)

0cbbec3e-696a-4ba7-9882-e68a96e9f3b0 4ebc3182-c847-4815-8583-bec15cb9086408.03.2024

Hour six of my UKSO Cotswolds teacher client’s second course on Submission Grappling and we took our focus onto omoplata attack. After a brief warm up of dynamic stretching and sport specific callisthenics we moved into 16 uninterrupted minutes of specific sparring games. We switched roles on the minute:

  1. Outside guard passes only
  2. Ditto
  3. Get behind shins only
  4. Ditto
  5. Scissor sweep/pass only
  6. Ditto
  7. Half-guard (scissor sweep/knee shield/z-guard) only
  8. Ditto
  9. Leg around one side of neck
  10. Ditto
  11. Leg around other side of neck
  12. Ditto
  13. Leg around either side of neck
  14. Ditto
  15. Ditto
  16. Ditto

This moved us onto learning the omoplata position. We trained for 2 x 5 minutes rounds where I first demonstrated attacking the shoulder with the leg. From here I showed various options that can be taken. Then my client attempted to do this, discovering better positioning.

The lesson finished with a complete debrief on the actual submission.

