12 rounds of specific boxing sparring (diary entry)

Cross Arm GuardIMG_203703.04.2024


Tonight my 1.5-hour client continued his third lesson on Boxing, where we sparred for 12 x 3 minute rounds with one-minute active rest spots throughout.

  1. Foot-stepping
  2. Footwork only
  3. Shoulder tapping
  4. One-for-one punching (footing occupying the same 1 x 1 metre square at all times)
  5. Lead hand only versus everything
  6. Ditto
  7. Defence versus attack
  8. Ditto
  9. Body shot sparring
  10. Body shot and head shots (only body shots count)
  11. Freestyle
  12. Ditto


The lesson finished with 15 minutes of PNF and static stretching.

